Dr. Benjamin Adebasui Akinkang
Baba Akinkang Abraham Anyaga was born 93 years ago in Fumbisi to Anyaga
Ajanviti and Anyaga Akayue, both of blessed memory. He was the only son among
four children. Chairman had no formal education but did well to educate himself in
Buli literacy attaining a certificate in basic Buli literacy in 1990.
Chairman, as he was known, played a significant role in all sectors necessary for national development. He started life as a peasant farmer and a hunter. He had a hunting crew who were well enumerated, and the catch from their hunting rounds was usually distributed among the community members.
In the early 1960s, he went into commercial farming, cultivating almost every crop that is familiar to our terrain. As his contribution towards curbing deforestation, he cultivated a teak plantation which covers over 100 hectares of land at two different places in Fumbisi (the Baasa road and Wiesi hills). As a very successful farmer, he won the following awards:
Best farmer in the elstwhile Bulsa District in 1986
Best farmer Bulsa District 1988
Best farmer Bulsa District 1989
Best farmer in Sorghum category Upper East Region 1989
Best farmer, Upper East Region 1993.
Chairman also received an award for his outstanding contribution to the development of the entire Bulsaland from our late father, His Royal Highness Naab Ayieta Azantilow on his silver jubilee celebration as Paramount Chief of Bulsa.
His knowledge in agriculture was extensive, and he was a source of reference for most farmers in the entire Upper East Region.
In the area of health, he played a major advocacy role in the establishment of the Fumbisi Health Centre by mobilising land and workforce for the facility to be built. Many CHIPS (Community Health Improvement Services) zones were also established through his advocacy. In addition, Chairman played the role of a traditional healer and at a point in his life he had a book entitled “Where there is no doctor” from which he often referred to treat his patients.
Furthermore, the educational sector also benefited from this knowledgeable man. He
was the PTA chairman of Fumbisi Old Primary School for several years, and through
this position he was able to lobby for the building of the main school block. He was
also very instrumental in the establishment of the Fumbisi Senior High School. He
resisted attempts by the powers that the secondary school should be diverted to
another region and quickly provided land for its estabilishment. His love for education
saw him lobbying for sponsorship for many students who are now working in
responsible positions in several parts of the country.
Chairman was a pioneer assemblyman in the erstwhile Bulsa District in 1992, and remained a government appointee assemblyman till 2014. He contested the chieftaincy in Fumbisi in 1979, and though he lost he still played a role similar to a traditional leader to the extent that many thought he was a chief. He was one of the founding members of both the district and regional branches of the great National Democratic Congress in Bulsa South, in Bulsaland and in the Upper East Region and chaired the Bulsa branch of the party from 1992 to 2014. A passionate member of the NDC, his loyalty for the party was immeasurable. This was evident in the fact that he used his personal resources to run its South Bulsa branch of which he was chairman, especially during the party's period in opposition. His name was synonymous with the NDC, and many called it Akinkang Partiwa.
Chairman became a Christian in the 1960s, when he helped mobilise funds and also allotted vast land for the establishment of the Presby Church in Fumbisi, hence the name Akinkang wondoku. Despite his conversion to Christianity, he was still an epitome of knowledge in the area of Bulsa traditional religion. He never wholly abandoned ancestor worship but practised some of its spiritual aspects that relate to honesty and compassion.
Chairman's love for people went beyond his family. In the recent past, almost every section in Fumbisi was given food donations at Christmas and New Year. His house was like a food warehouse where the less privileged came for assistance in times of need. And he would put his tractors at the disposal of needy farmers, widows and the aged especially.
He played a major role in conflict resolution in the entire Bulsaland. It was not uncommon to see people visiting him regularly to seek advice on conflict issues. He helped resolve countless marital and familial disputes.
Chairman was not in good health for most part of 2016, and the situation got worse in August when he was admitted at the Sandema Hospital and subsequently referred to the Tamale Teaching Hospital where he finally took his last breath on 19th September, and laid to rest in Fumbisi on 22nd October.