EVENTS 2009-2011
Sources: Danlardy Amoak Leander (D); Yaw Akumasi (Y), Fr. Isaac Akapata (Wiaga), (Internet:) (ghw), Ghana Homepage (ghp), (gd) and oral information (oi) given to F. Kröger (fk) by various Bulsa.
April 23rd, 2009 (gd): A two-day workshop jointly organized by TEPPCON (Tamale Ecclesiastical Provincial Pastoral Conference) and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), a German organization, took place at Sandema. Ms Agnes Aganda, the coordinator, explained that if DCEs were elected, it would reflect public opinion. She said it was not proper to insist that a DCE must come from the district that he or she is supposed to lead since it could result in the selection of incompetent leaders.
May 5th, 2009 (gd): When Mrs Lucy Awuni, Upper East Deputy Regional Minister, addressed a Delegates’ Conference of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana at Sandema, she advised the youth of the church to undertake peace initiatives by organizing workshops to educate people in conflict resolution.
May 26th, 2009 (D): Students from the University of Development Studies (UDS), Wa campus, did some research work in villages in the Builsa District
June 7th, 2009 (D): The operator of an agricultural machine in use as part of an Italian Project, established in Wiaga, was crashed into by a heavy duty tractor while he was tightening a loose nut in the harrows.
June 10th, 2009 (D): Death of Pastor Arthur, founder of the Restoration Power Chapel in Wiaga. His body was laid out prior to funeral arrangements.
June 7th, 2009 (D): Wiaga-Naab chaired a meeting of Water Board members and the people of Wiaga at the community centre to discuss the new pipes which will soon be opened to supply water to some communities and the mode of payments. Everybody agreed to pay if the time comes.
July 18th, 2009 (gd): At a meeting organized by the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) in Chuchuliga, teachers called for sex education to be intensified.
July 21st, 2009 (gd): The Builsa District Assembly, after a four hour election, failed to elect a member to preside over its first ordinary session at Sandema because none of the contestants was able to secure the mandated two thirds majority to become the PM of the 60-member assembly. The electoral officer who supervised the elections, Mr Edifor Victor Padiwho, asked the assembly to go into consultations and come back within 10 days for fresh elections.
August 14th, 2009 (D): Catholics from Wiaga and other places were in Kongo for their annual prayers and thanksgiving. They returned on 16/08/09.
August 14th, 2009 (gd): The European Union commissioned six projects under its sixth Micro-Projects Programme in the Upper East Region. The projects include a day care centre, two three-unit classroom blocks in Navrongo and three other projects at Yemonsa in the Builsa district.
August 19th -22th, 2009 (D): Young Muslims from Accra came to Wiaga to preach to the people about Islam. They were accommodated in the Wiaga mosque.
September 4th, 2009 (gd): Floods ravaged the district. Many homes, farmlands, business centres and schools were hit by floods following a persistent heavy downpour in the early hours of that fateful day.
September 5th, 2009 (D): The late Kadema Chief’s son opened a new school called Crystal Academy for nursery, kindergarten and primary education in the Wiaga Community Centre.
September 6th, 2009 (D): A swarm of bees at Wiaga-Goansa and market square stung people and animals. One cow died from stings. Drivers and cyclists all ran leaving their vehicles.
September 9th, 2009 (D): A passenger truck hit and killed one of the Zoom Lion workers when he was on work at Fumbisi.
September 15th, 2009 (D): The Wiaga-Naab, DCE [District Chief Executive] and others settled a conflict between Wiaga and Sandema football supporters during a league match played on 12/09/09 at St. Martin’s football field in Wiaga.
September 29th, 2009 (D): St. Francis’ new 8-unit classroom block was commissioned for use by the District Assembly, Wiaga Chief, DCE, District Director and others.
January 9th, 2010 (gd): A student mentorship programme was launched in the Builsa district by the Builsa student union. The mission of the programme was to give educational support to students in the Builsa district through a one-to-one relationship between a student and an adult. The idea of the mentorship programme was developed five years ago by the Builsa Students' Union of the University of Ghana and was first launched in Accra last year at the university. The president of the Builsa Student’s Union, Adiita Patrick, called on the students to also take the mantle of mentorship when they achieve their educational dreams so as to sustain the programme.
January 20th, 2010 (gd): The Builsa North Constituency of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has congratulated Mrs Agnes Asangalisah Chigabatia for her successful election into office as the new Upper East Regional Chairperson of the Party. Mrs Chigabatia stood with the former District Chief Executive for Kassena-Nankana East, Mr Emmanuel Achegeweh, and Mr Thomas Alonsi, former District Chief Executive for the Builsa Northern Constituency, and won.
February 6th, 2010 (gd): The Builsa District in the Upper East Region was selected for the demarcation and survey of “allodia” boundaries of its customary lands. The project was under the supervision of the Ghana Land Administration Project (LAP). As a first step, the Regional Lands Office met with paramount and divisional chiefs, landowners (Tendana), elders and opinion leaders, as well as local government officials from the district.
February 16th, 2010 (gd): Solar energy systems for remote health facilities at Doninga were inaugurated by the Upper East Regional Director of Health Services, Dr. John Koku Awoonor-Williams.
The Energy Minister, Dr. Oteng Adjei, indicated in an address that 29 communities in 8 districts of the Upper East Region are currently beneficiaries of the solar energy systems.
March 3rd, 2010 (ghw): The Northern Star Tomato Factory at Pwalugu started the processing of raw tomatoes into puree. The region around Pwalugu was zoned into three areas. The area comprising Navrongo, the Bulsa village of Chuchuliga and some other locations will sell their produce to the factory on Thursdays.
April 4th, 2010 (ghw): The Upper East Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party, Mrs. Agnes Asangalisah Chigabatia, presented items worth GHC 600.00 to the Saint Agnes Vocational Training Institute at Chuchuliga. The items include sewing machines, plastic bowls and money for self-establishment. Presenting the items at the fifth graduation of the institute, Mrs. Chigabatia said that the institution, her brainchild, was part of her contribution to the development of young ladies in the area... She said her vision for founding the institute was to extend the vocational facility to all the major towns of the Builsa north constituency, which include Sandema, Wiaga, Kadema and Siniensi. The Builsa North Constituency NPP Chairman, Mr. David Afoko, noted that the youth were very instrumental to the development of the country...
May 21st, 2010 (ghw): The HFC Bank has supported five brilliant but needy girls who excelled at their BECE (Basic Education Certificate Examination) last year with GHC 2,000 to support them in senior high school. Each of the girls received GHC 400 from the bank and this is the second of such donations the HFC bank has made to brilliant but needy girls from the northern part of the country.
Mr. Glenn Bakari, Northern Regional Credit and Relationship Officer, presented the cheque to the girls at Wiaga... Eleven other girls also received scholarships from different organizations... The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Builsa, Mr. Norbert Awulley, commended the HFC bank for the presentation...
April 21st, 2010 (gd): The Overcomers International Bible Church planned to provide 50 boreholes for some selected communities in the Upper East and the Upper West regions. According to Right Reverend Ben Arko Harrison, the church had already provided five boreholes for the people of Kadema at a cost of 70,000 Ghana cedis.
April 22nd, 2010 (gd): A severe rainstorm at Sandema destroyed 23 high-tension electricity poles that supply power to three quarters of the Builsa District. As a result, community water systems, which rely on a power supply to pump water, ground to a halt. Health centres, clinics, and Community-based Health Planning Services (CHPS) compounds were without electricity. The situation affected small-scale businesses which cannot operate without electricity. The storm also ripped off the roofs of the Sandema Senior High School, the Chiok Primary School, a day care centre and the Fumbisi Senior High School science laboratory.
April 24th, 2010 (gd): Hon. Joe Gidisu, the Minister of Roads and Highways, addressed journalists at Kadema during an inspection tour. He disclosed that under a Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Programme, streets in the Bolgatanga municipality would be tarred... On his way to Builsa, the minister inspected construction works between Chuchuliga and Sandema, which is going at a very slow pace. Other roads the minister inspected at Builsa were the Sandema-Wiesi-Doninga and Sandema-Wiaga-Kadema roads.
He said a bridge would also be constructed over the river between Kadema and Naga to provide easy access to people from Kassena-Nankana and Bolgatanga to the Fumbisi valley for farming.
June 6th, 2010 (ghw): Nana Akufo-Addo toured various constituencies (Zebila, Nabdam and Sandema) in the Upper East Region in his bid to win the NPP’s August 4th nomination to lead the party into the 2010 general election... In Sandema the speakers, including former DCEs, implored the delegates to vote overwhelmingly for Nana Akufo-Addo. The crowd of people, which was almost impossible to control, hijacked the meeting with delegates for nearly an hour...
June 6th, 2010 (gd): About 200 final year students of Sandema Senior High Technical School protested against the decision of the school authorities to put their academic results on the school’s notice board. They said their junior colleagues might mock some of them for their performance. They vandalized school property and staff bungalows after their attempt to get the results removed failed. The school authorities sent all the final-year students home pending a report from a committee set up to investigate the situation.
June 6th, 2010 (gd): The National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) is supporting 100 households, the victims of rain and a windstorm, in the Builsa District to go into maize farming by funding the purchase of tractors, seeds and fertilizers.
July 2010 (fk): First Notes on Koma Culture..., a book written by F. Kröger and B. Baluri, was published by the LIT publishing house, Münster (Germany). The book is not exclusively concerned with the Koma to the southeast of Buluk, but tries to compare the culture and language of the Bulsa and Koma as well.
July 15th, 2010 (oi): Anamogsi Anyenangdu (Wiaga-Sinyangsa-Badomsa), earth-priest (teng nyono), elder (kpagi), native healer (tiim-nyono) and politician (NPP) died in Sandema Hospital (cf. obituaries by his son Agoabey and F. Kröger in this number of BULUK).
July 25th, 2010 (ghw): Three second cycle schools in the Builsa District are to get additional school infrastructure valued at GHC 8,533,677.27 to smoothly commence the four-year programme... The projects include additional dining halls, dormitories, classroom blocks and assembly halls for the Fumbisi Senior High, Sandema Senior High and Sandema Secondary Technical Schools. This was made known when heads of the schools accompanied the Upper East Regional Minister, Mr Mark Woyongo, to inspect the various projects... Headmaster Ababu Afelibik of Sandema Senior High expressed dissatisfaction at the pace of work by some of the contractors and called on the regional minister to intervene. He lamented that the school was facing accommodation problems and this was affecting the academic performance of the school.
August 24th, 2010 (ghw): Youth Link Ghana, a health based non-governmental organisation (NGO) in the Builsa District, has embarked on a campaign to eradicate malaria and create a healthy environment for the vulnerable youth in the area.
The campaign [UNICEF Ghana and Italy] attracted school children who marched through the streets of Sandema with placards that read, “Malaria a killer disease”, “Sleep under treated mosquito nets”, “Malaria is a threat to national development”, “Let’s keep our environment clean” and “Ghana needs you to stay alive”.
August 24th, 2010 (ghw): A non-governmental organisation based in Denmark called 91Ms Action Aid has donated health and educational facilities worth 3,000 dollars to the Builsa South constituency. The items include hospital beds, computers, tables, chairs, and theatre equipment. Mr Alhassan Azong, the Member of Parliament to the area and Minister of State responsible for Public Sector Reform, presented the items to the communities. Mrs Margaret Pwaberi, Medical Assistant of the Fumbisi Health Centre, complained that the centre was understaffed and called on the Regional Health Directorate to post qualified health personnel there. The Chief of Wiesi (near Fumbisi) who received the items on behalf of the communities, Nab Akanab Apoom-Ween, commended the NGO for showing concern for the people.
October 29th, 2010 (gd): The Builsa District Directorate of Education distributed 8,000 school uniforms and 49,000 exercise books to schools in the district, while another 175,000 were expected to be received from Accra. Mr Avonsighe said this in Sandema when the Minister of Information, Mr John Tia, toured the district. He was grateful to the government for the infrastructural support given to schools but expressed worry that only 45 per cent of teachers working in the district were trained teachers.
November 6th, 2010 (oi):
Mrs Margaret Lariba Arnheim (who is originally from Gbedema but now resides in Münster) and six other Bulsa and Germans founded a new NGO called “Maaka” (help). This organization is based in Münster and is specialised in promoting development and help in urgent cases of the Bulsa area. A detailed article has been planned for Buluk 6 and will provide further information about this organization. Cf. also June 6th, 2011.
April 5th, 2011
Fr. Alfred Agyenta, born in Wiaga (Bulsa District), was appointed Bishop of the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Catholic Diocese by Pope Benedict XVI (see articles in this number of BULUK)
April 11th, 2011:
Eva Azengapo Akanchalbey arrived in Germany to study
"Städteplanung" (town planning). She sent us the following account
about her academic career and her future plans:
I come from Wiaga in the Builsa district of the Upper East Region of Ghana. I received my basic education in Wiaga. In 1989, I gained admission into Bolgatanga Girls Secondary School (BOGISS) for my secondary education. After BOGISS, I attended St. John Bosco’s Teacher Training College. After two years of teaching in Tamale, I gained admission into the University of Education, Winneba, and finished with a B. Ed. in Social Studies Education.
In 2003 I taught in St. Charles Major Seminary in Tamale, after which I was re-posted to the Adventist Senior High School, also in Tamale. I taught in SDA until I gained admission in 2006 into the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, to pursue a Masters Degree programme in Development Planning and Management (SPRING). In 2008, I completed my studies and returned to Tamale in the Northern Region of Ghana to assist the people with the knowledge I had gained.
In 2009 I started working as an intern with the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly in the Metropolitan Planning and Coordinating Unit (MPCU) as a Planning Officer. Working with the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly and other Assemblies in the region gave me adequate knowledge and practical experience in the field of programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. I also developed further interest in research-related activities, and it was then that I decided to pursue a doctorate. I worked diligently and obtained a scholarship from the Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer Dienst (KAAD) to pursue a Doctoral Programme in International Spatial Planning at the Technical University of Dortmund.
My studies are geared towards an Evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on Water and Sanitation with particular interest in the contributions of Community Based Organisations (CBOs) in achieving this goal in the Northern Region of Ghana. It is my hope to assist the people with the knowledge gained here in Germany. I am also looking forward to working with other researchers on development. I see my achievements up to this point as a source of motivation and aspiration for the timing youth, especially the females, to work diligently in their various academic fields and to the highest level.
I am currently learning German at the "Kreuzberg" Language Institute in Bonn under the support package of KAAD. Learning German has been very challenging but interesting to me. I am, however, assessing and evaluating two foreign languages and cultures. Life is interesting, and I am hoping to have gained more and more experiences by the end of my studies here in 2014.
Early April, 2011
A big statue in memory to the late Paramount Chief, Dr. Ayieta Azantilow, was erected in front of the the chief's compound.
April 27th - 30th, 2011
Funeral of the late Sandemnaab and Paramount Chief of the Bulsa traditional area, Dr. Ayieta Azantilow (see special article in this number)
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Agnes Chigabatia and the late Anamogsi Anyenangdu in 2005 |
April 29th, 2011
In a departure from the general date of primaries, the Bulsa North Constituency of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) held its
parliamentary primary on April 29th to enable members to attend the Sandemnaab’s funeral on April 30th. Three candidates were contesting for the parliamentary seat which was has been occupied by Mr Timothy Awotiirim Ataboadey since the 2008 elections:
1. Mrs Agnes Chigabatia, the Upper East Chairwoman of the party and former Member of Parliament and Upper East Deputy Regional Minister under President Akufuor
2.. Mr Thomas Alonsi, former District Chief Executive of the Bulsa District
3. Mr James Abakisi, a former manager of the Bulsa District Mutual Health Insurance Scheme.
Mrs Agnes Chigabatia, the winner of the election, had 170 votes, Mr Thomas Alonsi 116 votes and Mr James Abakisi 70 votes.
May 4th , 2011
The final statutes of Maaka e.V. , the new NGO were accepted on May 4th, 2011, by the General Assembly. The following people were elected as members of the Board:
1. Margaret Lariba Arnheim (neé Bawa) from Gbedema, currently living in Münster: Chairwoman
2. Evelyn Ackers (Dortmund): Deputy Chairman
3. Dr. Franz Kröger: Treasurer
4. Theresia Junker: Secretary
BULUK will report in detail about the objectives of the association, which lie mainly in the implementation of projects in the Bulsa area and in other parts of Ghana.
(Cf. also Events: June 6th, 2011 and Theresia Junker: "Maaka e.V." in this number of BULUK)
June 2nd, 2011
The Rev. Father Alfred Agyenta, designated bishop for the Bolgatanga/Navrongo diocese, stayed in Münster (Germany) from May 28th to June 5th, 2011. On Ascension Day (June 2nd), he received delegates from Westphalian parishes which maintain a partnership with parishes that are part of his future diocese (e.g. St. Marien in Hiltrup with Martyrs of Uganda in Sirigu, St. Martinus in Greven with St. Anne in Bongo and Anna-Katharin in Coesfeld with Our Lady of Seven Sorrows at Navrongo). Fr. Alfred's welcoming speech and the following discussion were conducted completely in German. After his stay in Münster, Fr. Alfred left for Rome and from there flew back to his future diocese in Northern Ghana.
June 6th, 2011:
The new NGO, Maaka e.V. (cf. Events 6th November, 2010 and 4th May 2011), was recognized by the Amtsgericht (District Court) of Münster as a registered association .
(Cf. also Theresia Junker: "Maaka e.V." in this number of BULUK)
June 29th, 2011
Fr. Alfred Agyenta was ordained and installed Bishop of the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Catholic Diocese in Bolgatanga (see articles in this number of BULUK)
July 2nd, 2011
Most Rev. Bishop Alfred Agyenta celebrated his first Pontifical Thanksgiving Mass in Bolgatanga.
July 19th, 2011:
(Fr. Isaac Akapata, Wiaga:) The Sandema Senior High Technical School, a premier school, established by the late Colonel Acheampong and Naab Dr. Ayieta Azantilow, then paramount chief of Buluk, had its fair share of infrastructure development in 2011. These include:
one new classroom complex,
one new boys’ dormitory complex that can accommodate 340 students,
one new girls’ dormitory, also capable of accommodating 340 students,
one new science laboratory and administrative complex with an ultra-modern library inside it. On Tuesday, July 19th, 2011, the headmaster and some of his staff witnessed the Rev. Fr. Isaac Akapata (Wiaga) as he blessed these facilities before the students and staff could occupy them.
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Buildings of the Science Laboratory |
Fr. Isaac in the storeroom of the laboratory |
August 6th, 2011
Most Rev. Alfred Agyenta's first solemn priestly ordination in the Cathedral of Navrongo (see article in this number of BULUK)
September 11th, 2011, 4 p.m.- 6:30 p.m., GBC Clubhouse, Accra
First meeting of Bulubisa Meina Yeri (BMY), a social networking group on Facebook: The session focused on fundamental issues and a range of topics (....). As these will be discussed in detail and take shape during the second meeting (October 30th), they will be reviewed on this date.
September 2011
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Pupils of Bachonsa Primary School |
(Slim Badek Exet et al., 20th Sept.) Adaawen Anamya on behalf of the Bulubisa Meina Yeri presented some books and other items to the Bachonsa Primary School. The items were received with great gratitude.
October 14th, 2011
The former Builsa District was one of nine districts of the Upper East Region and, with a total area of 2,220 square kilometres, it was the region's largest. In October 2011, the Ghanaian government created 42 new districts bringing the total number of districts in the country to 212. The old Builsa District was divided into two districts: the Builsa North District with Sandema as its capital and the Builsa South District with Fumbisi as its capital.
The comments and reactions with regard to this event in Bulubisa meina yeri, a Facebook chat-group, are very wide-ranging as the following examples prove:
Clement Apaak:
Builsa South District has been created by the gov’t with its capital as Fumbisi. This was stated by the Minister for Local Gov’t and Rural Dev. yesterday. Let’s hope this will enhance development in Buluk.
Angabe Linus:
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Staff of Bachongsa Primary School |
Another gimmick by the politician to divert the attention of the people and misrule. I am from Bulsa south, but as a matter of fact, this [new district] is not necessary. Another new luxury house for a DCE, cars to drive about, offices with people sitting and playing lotto and, and...... Do we need a district just for the name of it? Fumbisi, Wiesi and Gbedembilsa have rich fertile lands that if developed can provide the whole nation with lots of food. Feasibility studies have shown that the area has so much water deep down that can be used for irrigation purposes. If the government can not afford to drill wells and provide electricity to pump up this water all year round, what is the use of a new district? I think we need to remain a united Buluk and push for real development.
Ghanatta Ayaric:
News of suitable infrastructure being provided to boost economic activity would have been better: for instance, a good asphalt road from Navrongo through Fumbisi to Kunkuak and across the White Volta to Walewale (a distance less than 100 kilometres, flat landscape, neither rocky nor hilly). I'm afraid the new district is yet another bureaucratic bottleneck, a diversion from the real need!
Analimbey Chris:
Then we thank God for this gesture. This will certainly bring development to the Builsa district.
October 30th, 2011
Second BMY meeting in Accra. Subjects under discussion:
1. Mentorship program (as proposed in the first meeting): Members of BMY and Bulsa students are invited to assist pupils in their school education, provide school materials (e.g. exercise books, pens, pencils, mathematical sets) and replace blackboards with Formica boards.
2. Alcoholism: Members are encouraged to stop giving alcohol as gifts.
3. An alliance with the Bulsa Students’ Union should be formed.
4. A bank account should be opened for donations. [Note: in the meantime this bank account has been established.]
5. Before a BMY website is established, videos, pictures and articles should be gathered.
6. Formation of an interim co-ordinating team. They should lead the regional organization of BMY and co-ordinate Bulsa around the world. The following names came up as possible interim members of the team: Adaawen Anamya, Lucy Abunkum, Slim Badek Exet, Cornelius Adumpo, Eric Ayienaab, Evans Akangyelewon Atuick and Juliana Ampaawari.
7. BMY seeks to work towards improving the living standards of the entire Bulsa country, especially in the following areas:
education / culture / language
health / sanitation / environmental protection
industry / investment
8. The role of BMY in the 2011 Fiok Festival: cf. December 16th-21st, 2011.
9. Starting a new project: Niaka Bisa (Children of Blessing) / Teng Jaraba (Preparing the Land) / the 5000 Game
Environmental cleanliness and protection should be placed in the hands of pupils of primary and junior high school. They and their schools will be rewarded by gifts from BMY (books, pencils, pens, footballs). The "game" has begun already, and BMY has already raised 300 exercise-books and 288 pencils.
November 12th, 2011, 2 p.m.: (Third?) Meeting of Bulubisa Meina Yeri at Azenero Social Centre in Sandema
November 27th, 2011,
2:30 p.m.
Meeting of BMY at the GBC Clubhouse, Accra.
The main issue of this meeting was the forthcoming Fiok Festival in Sandema, the role BMY will play in it and how funds can be raised for their activities.
December 2011
The Bulsa District Assembly acquired a new CAT double-blade grader. Its maiden works were on the Goansa-Mission road (see photo). Information by Fr. Isaac Akapata (Facebook).
December 16th-21st, 2011
Activities initiated by BMY in connection with the Fiok Festival:
• A seminar with the following topics discussed on Bulsa Radio: Alcoholism/drug addiction; teenage pregnancies and abortions; power in unity.
Topics treated at Azenero Social Centre were: Falling standards of education; significance of our traditions in today’s world; BMY’s vision, objectives and goals; power in unity.
• December17th: Cleanup campaign (comprising the office of the DCE, hospital, district court, the chief’s palace and market).
• December 18th: Route march from the Presbyterian Church through the principal streets of Sandema to the Azenero Social Centre.
• December 18th: Food bazaar at Azenero Social Centre.
• December 21st, 7 p.m.: Election of Miss Fiok at Azenero Social Centre.
"The election of Miss Fiok, though originally organized by Bulsa radio, is said not to be transparent, especially since a non-Bulsa was declared winner recently. BMY was therefore given the opportunity to take over and rebrand it to make it an awesome competition."
• Musical concert with Abolik Kwame and Apolinya.
December 21st, 2011: Fiok Festival in Sandema
December 27th, 2011
(GNA) Bulubisa Meina Yeri (BMY), a social networking group on Facebook, in collaboration with Nallem Clothing, donated items worth GhC 1,000.00 to the Horizon Children's Centre at Sandema (See Ghanatta Ayaric's article in this number of BULUK). The items included a 21-inch flat screen television set, a microwave, a standing fan and five crates of assorted drinks. Mr. Evans Akangyelewon Atuik, a Research Fellow at the University of Development Studies, noted that the group had embarked on other charitable works which included a food bazaar for over 500 children. Mr Abobtey Joseph, Manager of the Centre, expressed delight for the gesture and said the items would be used for the intended purpose.
December 30th - 31st, 2011
Home-coming and thanksgiving mass of the Most Rev. Alfred
Agyenta, Bishop of Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese.
(From a brochure, CEDEC): Friday, 30th December:
1. The people of Chuchuliga meet the Bishop amidst drumming and dancing to the Chuchuliga chief's palace.
2. The Bishop stops at the Paramountcy of Buluk at Sandema with a rousing welcome.
3. ...the Bishop continues his stopover to pay a courtesy call on the Bulsa North District Chief Executive.
4. The Bishop arrives at Wiaga and the crowds meet him at the outskirts and escort him to the Wiaga chief's palace.
5. Reception in St. Francis Xavier Parish.
Saturday 31st December 2011: Thanksgiving mass.
December 2011 - January 2012
Dr. Ulrike Blanc, the anthropologist, Michael, her husband, and Leonard, their son (9), visit the Bulsa District again.
February 2012
Akisikame Francis: A lot of CSM cases (W 135) in our District... The Builsa Nurses Association in collaboration with the district health administration is moving around identifying affected communities and helping out.
February 2012
As reported in the Ghanaian Internet media, the number of meningitis cases has increased in the Upper East Region and now stands at about 14 deaths. The Ghanaian Health Service did a good piece of work by providing vaccinations and appropriate medicine.
Over the course of many telephone calls, Mrs. Margaret Lariba Arnheim, a nurse at Münster University Hospital and chairwoman of Maaka e.V. (GNO), inquired about the situation in the Bulsa Districts. Officially there were four registered deaths caused by meningitis in Buluk, but due to the insufficient knowledge about unknown cases, the number could be higher.
It is very important that, at the first appearance of typical symptoms, antibiotics are taken. In her telephone calls, Mrs. Arnheim learnt that there is enough Chloramphenicol in stock in the Gbedema Clinic. If supplies of antibiotics begin to run low or the need for more effective antibiotics arises, she will try to contact Wiaga clinic for the wanted medicine.
The great danger of the meningitis epidemic in Africa is the insufficient knowledge people have about the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, Mrs Arnheim organized a meeting between the Gbedema chief, his elders and a midwife. By means of the loudspeaker on the chief’s mobile telephone, Mrs Arnheim explained the symptoms of meningitis and stressed the urgency of using antibiotics without delay. The elders will distribute the information to their relatives and neighbours.